SHOCKING: Kingmoore Ngwungwu Ano Initiative Reveals All That Trespassed During The Nzuko Aro Mens Wing Election
Even the Pendulum will Naturally Swing; A memoir on Nzuko Aro Men’s Wing Election.
• Introduction.
Finally 16th of April came and it was the day scheduled for Nzuko Aro Men’s wing general election. Umu Aro gathered at the civic Centre auditorium to elect their new Exco but to the utmost chagrin and disappointment of Umu Aro, the umpires contested and also won same election for themselves to continue their reign. Congratulations to Mazi Kanu Ivi and Mazi Dave Imoko.
• Accreditation.
The screening of delegates (voters) started at about 10.00am Nigerian time and lasted for over 8 hours. The accreditation was marred with huge amount of irregularities that further flawed the electoral process. The first of it was having a current Financial Secretary General who is also standing election into an elective position to screen his opponents and other delegates. Earlier, it had been assumed that the electoral committee Chairman, Mazi Emma Kanu Ivi and the secretary Mazi Dave Imoko were interested parties and the whole charade witnessed on that faithful day proved the Ngwugwu Ano team right in all their complaints about these electoral umpires.
• Delegates.
Another integrity test that was openly failed was the premediated efforts of the electoral committee to disenfranchise most of the branches and persons supporting the Ngwugwu Ano team. The details are as follow;
Bonny- The branch was refused to vote thereby disenfranchising them. Bonny Branch, which is led by Mazi Uche Ogbonnaya, made full payment as a category C branch but Adindu Elekwa and Anicho Okoro, Treasurer General and First Vice President General aspirants respectively in connivance with the Electoral Committee denied the branch clearance to vote and never refunded their money to them.
Nnewi- This is a Category B branch whose the branch President is also contesting for the post of the Provost General. From their list of delegates, 2 members were dropped and disenfranched by the electoral committee thereby reducing their votes by 2 delegates.
Arochukwu Branch; Weeks before the election, Mazi Dozie Udensi has played a dirty and dangerous game which included abduction of a public communication personnel contracted by Mazi Paul Ogbonnaya to circulate messages to members and upon Dozie’s denial, it played out when the home branch delegates were divided into two and given to Dozie’s camp who lacks the legality of being a substantive exco of the branch.
Obinkita Village: There was also another incident where Obinkita Village led by the President General Mazi Nkem Okoro was cleared alongside four other delegates after paying the sum of N50, 000 into Nzuko Aro purse, another set of people came led by Messers Innocent Okoronkwo and John Okoro invaded the venue with some armed notorious boys who are members of secret Cults firing guns and threating to disrupt the election if Innocent Okoronkwo is not allowed to lead Obinkita delegates. The men of Nigeria Police as well as Nigerian Navy intervened and the said John Million and Innocent Okoronkwo aka Osu Uzo used their body strength to wrestle the security men and pushed the entrance door and broke the door. John Million, Innocent Okoronkwo and their touts finally made their way and to the utmost surprise of all the aspirants, Mazi Ivi and Dave Imoko divided the Obinkita delegates and gave two to Dozie Udensi thereby reducing the delegate of the substantive PG of Obinkita who has already paid the sum of N50,000 to Nzuko Aro without refunding the excess of two delegates back to Mazi Nkem’s led Exco.
All these glaring fraudulent acts were geared towards that reducing Mazi Kingmoore’s vote/delegates which it did by 10 whole votes.
• Tags: It was obvious that another angle for the election manipulation was through the printing of the tags, which we are, sure was contracted to a very interested party; Mazi Ugo Okoro through Wendy Enterprises. Mazi Ivi is known by all to be a great protagonist and strong promoter of the said Wendy. They printed the number they wanted and was never declared to the delegates and contestants.
It is known that at some point, they left the hall and went to run photocopies of these delegates tags. It was observed that Emeka Okoro, Ebere Okoro and few others had lots of the ropes to the tags and was working in and out of the election hall. Why should interested persons have such in their possession? At some point, when the opened the other door through the help of one short Police officer who was working with Emeka Okoro, their planted mercenaries crept into the hall.
• Delays: There was intentional delays into the night even after the accreditation was concluded that made other Patrons like Mazi Sam Ohuabunwa, Mazi Eni Paul etc to leave the election hall with anger. Even Mazi O J Nnanna, one of the umpires left the venue. That was what Mazi Kanu Ivi and Dave Imoko had wished so as to deliver their stooges.
• Counting: Upon the commencement of the counting, Mazi Ivi counted up to 97 delegates standing behind Kingmoore, stopped while he has about 15 more people to count and reason for the stoppage was that he was feeling hot and needed to go outside to take fresh air without concluding the count. This was after he has spent over 9 hours in the hall.
Mazi Ivi insisted he counts alone and we have incontrovertible facts that he miscounted King Moore’s votes. He even rejected some voters on King Moore’s side but counted all on Omeziribe’s side. Several non-delegates votes for Omeziribe, these includes Mazi Nwosu Nwaka, Mazi Ochi Mgbo, etc.
• Collection of Tags: Delegate tags were collected from delegates handed over to Mazi Dave Imoko, this made the election inconclusive as there was no way delegates could have been identified to vote after this.
Never would a fair election go on without the number of accredited voters not known to both contestants and electorate Mazi Ivi and Mazi Imoko turned logic and fairness upside down by making this the world’s best kept secret as they vehemently refused and rejected all entreaties to inform all of the number. This is clearly why Mazi Ivi discontinued the count at 97 for King Moore as it was clear to him his plot had failed, he had to stall and buy time to enable “his group” smuggle fake delegates into the hall under the cover of darkness.
At the end, Mazi Ivi claimed there were 187 voters out 189 accredited voters, meaning only 2 voters were absent. How can this be when some accredited voters such as Mazi Orji Ogbonnaya Orji had left? At some point, upon the realization by King Moore’s team that fake delegates were being smuggled into the hall by Omeziribe group, the security agencies were requested not to further allow anyone in or out, this they did at that point. Very revealing is Ugo Okoro’s involuntary expose that this kept the trio of Mazi George Ezuma, J.C Imuoh and himself outside; 3 supposedly accredited voters . From these specific recognizable and verifiable individuals alone, 4 delegates did not vote, so how would Mazi Ivi posit that only 2 delegates did not vote? 4 and 2 are very different and distinct.
Clearly, this election was fraught with fraud of a monumental scale supervised by the umpires to favour Omeziribe, thwart and circumvent the will and desire of Umu Aro. Thus, the result is not acceptable to us and we reject it in it’s entirety.
This is the position of Ngwugwu Ano Initiatives
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