Iri Ji Abam Onyerubi is an ancient tradition that has lasted since the settling and establishment of Abam Ancient Clan.
The iriji is traditionally celebrated within the ninth month of every year, after the Eze Jis' and Nde Eze might have checkmated the yams at farms and bans by certain processes called ike ji, oku okū ububuo, ira egusi/ugbogho, in observations to traditional rights.
Igba Ekpe(masquerade) is a performance of Abam Onyerubi culture that celebrates the iriji tradition in a style, some people believes it's fetish, some believes it's a mare tradition without any superstition attached, while some foreigners like the former Nigeria Military Head of State, Lt Gen Ibrahim Babangida(RTD) called it TIGER.
Abam Onyerubi Traditions are highly interesting and educating in Cultures, don't miss out, know your tradition and culture Today.
Ekpe Wo!
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