Dr. Kanu F. Ohuche Set To Address Global Audience on the topic Resource Mobilization Under Covid 19 Pandemic


Dr. Kanu F Ohuche

Dr.  Kanu F. Ohuche (UGWU ARO) to address Global Audience on Global Community of Practice ( G-Cop)  Seminar on Monday, February 28, 2022 on the Theme ' Managing Public Finance in Times of Crises in Africa'. The Global Policy Dialogue will be hosted by African Development Bank and  African Development  Institute( ADI). Dr. Ohuche will be speaking on the Topic' Resource Mobilization under Covid-19 Pandemic: Policy Options for Africa'.In a letter of invitation addressed to him, African Development Bank notes that Dr. Ohuche is an Expert in the field and with 'wealth of experience to contribute to the discussion and prioritization of policies, for Regional Governments, Regional Development Agencies and the International Community'. Dr. Ohuche  has accepted to speak in the Seminar and he is glad to contribute his modest ideas in helping Africa and indeed the global community manage their  public finances G in the context of the aftershocks of Covid-19 Pandemic. Aro  Kingdom is on the MOVE.Glory be to God

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